7/10/2022. 9:30 AM Dear FUMC Family, Give thanks to our God, the Creator, Savior, and Healer. In God's grace and love, I am writing this email to my FUMC family members. Your pastor is much better now and got a negative result. So I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and worshiping God together. I am going to wear my mask for extra safety. As you know, it is your decision to wear your mask or not. Obviously, I just get through the challenge. So I strongly encourage you to wear your mask. During the worship, there will be Communion. Two of our leaders will hold the bread and cup to share with you. As usual, the pre-sealed cup/bread will be offered. If you are planning to join the service vial ZOOM, please prepare your bread and cup. Our sanctuary will be open for the service, and wearing a mask properly is highly recommended. Our virtual worship space also will be open for you. Click Here to join the Virtual Worship Place. Also, you can call in the virtual worship space. The phone number is +1 929 205 6099. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584. May God's grace and love be with you all! Sincerely, Pastor Dong Hyun Choi
2022 Mission u
July 22, July 23 & July 30, 2022 via Zoom
Mission u Opening Worship will be held Friday July 22, 2022 at 7:00pm on Zoom. The Mission u program will run from 9:30am - 4:30pm on Saturday July 23, 2022 and Saturday July 30, 2022, also on Zoom.
Please use this form to register and pay either by PayPal or check/money order. The cost for registration is $20.
If paying by check/money order, please make it payable to "NYAC Mission u," and send to: Gillian Prince, 343 Gold St, Apt 1004, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
For registration questions, contact Elise Boykin at 917-353-6368 or via email atnyacmissionu@gmail.com
The deadline for registration and payment is July 10, 2022. No registrations accepted or refunds given after July 10, 2022. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER https://ny-reg.brtapp.com/2022Missionu
Methodist: Habitat for Humanity Home Build Sat. July 23rd
good morning everyone,
Here is the Link to register with Habitat directly: http://umc.habitatcfc.volunteerhub.com/
Details below
copied Anthony Orfino of Habitat who heads-up volunteers.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
I'm happy to meet at our UMC Westport & Weston church parking lot 7:45am July 23rd if anyone would like to carpool - let me know in advance
Saturday July 23rd: Methodist Coalition - Habitat for Humanity Home Build - will include UMC of Westport and Weston; plus our new "Methodist Cooperative Parish".
Limit to ten (10) individuals. First ten people who sign-up
Sign-up via Habitat Link
(or if at UMV Westport and Weston board in the narthex or contact George Hanze george.hanze@gmail.com cell#914-843-2021)
Meet at the Habitat CFC Warehouse, located at 1542 Barnum Avenue, Bridgeport, CT, 06610
WHEN:Saturday July 23rd arriving starting at 8:00AM (but no later than 8:30AM) to end at approximately 3:15PM
Thank you,