SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Palm / Passion Sunday April 2, 2023 9:30 AM
Dear FUMC Family, Greetings in the name of our Lord who was marching forward the city of Jerusalem. Why Jesus walked to the city? In the city, there were people planning to kill Jesus. It was not a good idea. And Jesus and his disciples knew that. Interestingly, when Jesus entered the city, there were other people who welcomed Jesus waving the branch of a palm tree and shouting Hosanna. We know the story and we are going to jump into the story this Sunday. Come and join the worship of our Lord who was and is willing to sacrifice himself to save us. Let us lift our voices shouting Hosanna and open our hearts while we wave our hands and a branch of a palm tree. Or we can put our clothes on the path of the Lord. Let us follow Jesus and his journey. Many blessings, Rev. Dong Hyun Choi

Also, you can call in the virtual worship space. The phone number is +1 929 205 6099. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.


CO-MINISTRY Southern Fairfield Cooperative Parish / NT-CT District New York Annual Conference
Dominating White Ways Workshop: Exploring the Commonplace Nature of White Supremacy and its Power to Co-opt Us All Saturday, April 15th, 2023 & Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm Virtual Event Registration is limited to 30 attendees This workshop is designed to help NYAC clergy, laity, Conference staff, and leadership understand the institutional nature of racism and the role organizations play in the equation. Oppression-and in particular, racism-is not only a matter of individual prejudice but a systemic, institutional problem of power that requires structural intervention to dismantle. This understanding is foundational to the training. White supremacy ideology is perhaps the greatest barrier to achieving socio-political, economic, cultural, and ecological sustainability in the USA. It is critically important that community and institutional leaders grasp the widespread constancy of white supremacy ideology; their conditioned investment in the ideology, and begin to imagine how to collaborate with others to dismantle it. This day-long workshop will offer participants tools and practices to assess & disrupt how the values and ways of being of white supremacy ideology operate their institutions. Download a flyer here Register Now →