Sixth Sunday of Easter "Opened the Heart" 5/22/2022. 9:30 AM Dear FUMC Family, Greetings in the name of our Lord who is the King of Peace and Justice! We need our Lord and his grace and love. Still, evildoers are surrounding us. There are people who are willing to fight against other human beings to gain and maintain their advantages. There are unhealthy-minded people killing and hurting others. We have prayed for God's kingdom and people. Even though we face these wars and violence around us, do not give up on praying. Let us keep praying with our actions and inaction. Continuously, share God's love through us. Let us open our hearts to God and listen to God's words. Follow the direction from God. Gather together to discern God's voice in the midst of this painful situation. Our sanctuary will be open for the service, and wearing a mask properly is very recommended. Our virtual worship space also will be open for you. Click Here to join the Virtual Worship Place. Also, you can call in the virtual worship space. The phone number is +1 929 205 6099. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584. May the grace and love of God be with you all! Sincerely, Pastor Dong Hyun Choi
May 18, 2022, @ 5:30 PM Click Here to join the Virtual Gathering Place. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.
Dear prayer partners, I am glad that we have this beautiful season. I hope all of you are more than able to experience God's grace and love through God's creation. Your pastor encourages each of you to have daily prayer time with God. We have had Wed. Prayer Meeting and it is time to change our gear. You can read a short story with an illustration of a Bible verse on our FUMC Facebook Space. If you click HERE, you can visit the space. Come and join the daily prayer.
SHARE GOD'S LOVE Come and join this meaningful ministry. First UMC of Greenwich works faithfully for our neighbors who are in need. We have fed our sisters and brothers through "Neighbor to Neighbor". Again, this year our mission team planted seeds and take care of them. You are more than welcome to join this "Community Garden Mission".
The Undies Project continues to donate with your support
The Undies Project donates to 38 organizations whose clients are homeless, living in shelters or who are on a low income. For them, underwear is a necessity, not a luxury. To date, The Undies Project has donated over 401,000 undergarments and the need is still growing. The money raised with the Everyone Needs Undies campaign will be used to purchase new undergarments that are desperately needed by thousands of men, women, and children. There is still time to bid! The silent auction will now run until May 31st.
To make a bid and to donate click here. Thank you for helping to make a difference!
Greenwich Interfaith Blood Drive Saturday, June 18, 2022 8:00 am – 1:15 pm First Presbyterian Church 1 West Putnam Ave., Greenwich, CT Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. That’s why First Baptist, First United Methodist, Congregation Shir Ami, and First Presbyterian Church are on a community mission together to help save lives For an appointment, please visit redcrossblood.org Use Code FPCG Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).