Third Sunday of Easter "Who are you, Lord?" 5/1/2022. 9:30 AM Dear FUMC Family, Greetings in the name of our risen Christ! I pray that each of you is experiencing God's grace and love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Even on these chilly days, we can see the signs of Spring. There are new lives in our mother nature. I want to listen from you about how the Spirit of God brings new life to your hearts through the resurrection of Christ. Let us gather together and worship God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our sanctuary will be open for the service and wearing a mask properly is very recommended. Our virtual worship space also will be open for you. Click Here to join the Virtual Worship Place. Also, you can call in the virtual worship space. The phone number is +1 929 205 6099. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584. May the grace and love of God be with you all! Sincerely, Pastor Dong Hyun Choi
May 4, 2022, @ 7:00 PM Those who believes in the power of the prayer, come and join this prayer gathering. The Spirit of God will lead us to pray for one another! Click Here to join the Virtual Gathering Place. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.
May 11, 2022, @ 7:00 PM Click Here to join the Virtual Gathering Place. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.
May 18, 2022, @ 5:30 PM Click Here to join the Virtual Gathering Place. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.
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