SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany "Word and Holy Communion" February 5, 2023 9:30 AM
Dear FUMC family in Christ, How have you been my sisters and brothers? We had very cold and windy days. Also, it will have a cold Sunday morning. I hope all of you are warm and cozy. As you know, on the first Sunday of each month, we attend the Lord's Table. We will remember Jesus Christ our Lord while we have the bread and cup. If you are planning to join the service using Zoom, please prepare your bread and cup. See you soon! Many blessings, Rev. Dong Hyun Choi
Click Here to join the Virtual Worship Place. Also, you can call in the virtual worship space. The phone number is +1 929 205 6099. Our meeting id and passcode are 2036299584.
CO-MINISTRY Southern Fairfield Cooperative Parish / NT-CT District New York Annual Conference